Sunday, January 18, 2009

Después de mi primera semana en el Tec

Hey you guys,

I feel like I've been really busy with stuff this past week it being the first week of classes. Still trying to drop some of my classes it's been so crazy, but all good :). I'm taking two classes in spanish (Mexican culture and Superior Spanish Grammar - scary sounding but awesome professor) and two in english (Negotiation Strategies of Latin America and Competition in Latin America). I really enjoy the laidback teaching style here, but I know my spanish courses are going to wear me out because it's so draining to translate. It's the same way with my host family, especially my host mom Hilda. She's great and loves to do whatever she can for you, but she also loves to talk and help you learn Spanish....a lot :). But it's so draining and so good at the same time.

But yeah, I'm excited to keep practicing and improving my Spanish. I just get more excited about learning the language and culture and hopefully being able to translate and/or teach it at some point. It just keeps feeling more right. We'll see how I feel a couple months in lol.

But Friday, I went to a BBQ with people from Monterrey Tech and'll never believe it....Texas A&M!!!.......who attend a church here in Monterrey. The church is a bit of a drive, but not a problem when I split a cab fare with a couple of other girls. But anyways, my friend from Singapore introduced me to a few of the people from A&M this past Tuesday. She had attended the church the prior Sunday and I started talking about faith and BAM! God did His amazing works and connected me with a church! Meeting the people from Tech and getting to know a lot of the people from A&M better was amazing. I got to see them at church today and see officially what the service was like. It was all in spanish, but they actually gave some people headphones for English translation. It was just a guy from the church translating for them. One of the ladies from church gave me headphones but I was like (in my head later) "dude, I need to learn this language!" So I listened to everything without the headphones. It was tiring, but I understood most of it thank God (literally :D). It was amazing.

But yesterday/Saturday, I went with about 30-40 people from Tech to the Grutas de Garcia, or Garcia Caves, which are a lot like the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico if you've ever been there or heard of them. I loved seeing Carlsbad Caverns when I was little with my uncle so I thought it would be cool to go see some more. And it was very beautiful. Mostly, it was hard to take pictures cause I have a really old, hand-me-down camera (generously given, but not great for this kind of lighting). But after seeing the caves, whoever wanted to could choose to walk down the crazy long trail back to the bottom of the mountain. AND OH YEAH! It pretty much felt like I was in Lord of the Rings which has been a dream of mine for years. Yes, I know.....I am a dork. I thought we passed that already? lol. anyways....

So I walked down with some people from Singapore and Korea that I met on the way there. It took a good 25 minutes at least winding back and forth across the mountain. But we made it and it was a heck of a lot of fun. Pretty sure I'm ready to sign up for the either the mountain climbing club or the hikers club, I promise I'm not kidding :D.

So that has pretty much been my week. I do want to ask for prayers for me and Kristofer. I know these past couple of weeks have been hard for us to connect our hearts and spirits especially. We know only God can help us with that especially now. Prayers for Kristofer's perseverance from God and good health. God did bless him with quick healing last week, but it was pretty sick and it hurt that I couldn't be there.

I also want to ask for prayers for my parents and family. Our dog Dixie of 13 years with us died yesterday morning. She brought so much joy and peace into our lives without asking for anything in return, only ever desiring our love. So we pray that she's having fun running around there in peace now without any pain. Just prayers that my family would be comforted, especially my mom. And prayers for God to continue to provide for my family as we trust Him with our lives. Thanks for all your prayers, support and most of all love.

love you guys. tty soon!

besos y abrazos,

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